Cholesterol to the Rescue

Cholesterol gets a bad rap. Many people don’t realize how incredibly important cholesterol actually is. What if I told you: cholesterol is here to heal you? In order to get a handle on how important it is, let us reverse engineer our understanding of cholesterol by first looking at the side effects of suppressing cholesterolContinue reading “Cholesterol to the Rescue”

Intentional Healing as Music: Auto-Tuning a Symphonic Field

What models do we think with when we approach the subject of intention? What’s the grammar and the syntax of this kind of work? Does it even matter? In this post, you’re going to presented with some food for thought – in the form of an intentional, musical theory of reality. I’m not necessarily positingContinue reading “Intentional Healing as Music: Auto-Tuning a Symphonic Field”

Fractal-Holographic Principles in the Secret of the Golden Flower

This article is a continuation of my attempt at syncretism in light of the Daoist mysticism and meditative techniques espoused in the Secret of the Golden Flower and other texts. This project seeks to compare Chinese cosmological and ontological concepts with those found in contemporary fringe science topics – most interestingly the fractal-holographic and fluidContinue reading “Fractal-Holographic Principles in the Secret of the Golden Flower”

“The Light of Pure Spirit”, a poem

The following is a composition of mine in the style of Daoist alchemical poetry. Enjoy.   “The Light of Pure Spirit” Begin at the beginning For there is nowhere else There is a tiny light In a great lighthouse On an island In the center of Heaven Do you see it? Relax the body andContinue reading ““The Light of Pure Spirit”, a poem”

Xing, Ming, and Turning the Light Around

Let’s start with a little literary history. This part may be exceedingly boring to some of you – but for those interested in reading these texts yourself, take note. For those interested strictly in the metaphysics, keep listening. There are currently three English translations of what is known as The Secret of the Golden FlowerContinue reading “Xing, Ming, and Turning the Light Around”

Zen and the Art of Biophysics

If you’ve ever wondered what the fine-structure fabric of space-time looks like, take a walk on the beach. (Next time you can.) At some critical point in the evolution of scientific understanding – metaphor ceases to be metaphor. Dr. Mae Wan Ho refers to the work of her fellow scientist and teacher Emilio Del GiudiceContinue reading “Zen and the Art of Biophysics”

Intention Ontology: Applied and Theoretical

Intentional healing is a practice available to everyone. Many systems of intentional healing, or energwork – as it’s often called, treat the hands as being points of “emission”, “projection”, or “emanation” of some kind of energy. Rather, in intentional healing the hands or any point in space can serve somply as a placeholder for theContinue reading “Intention Ontology: Applied and Theoretical”

On The Nature of Qi and Source Qi

“Qi is to electromagnetism as steam is to water.” – Eileen McKusick, Founder of Biofield Tuning Eileen McKusick states that what we call “subtle energy” in the West, is “really a form of diffuse magnetism” or “a diffuse magnetic fluid”. (I would add to that – superfluid.) How fitting, the ancient pictograph for qi,… …whichContinue reading “On The Nature of Qi and Source Qi”

The Healing Power of Spirituality

In my last article, I laid the foundation for some concepts regarding our actual, physical interaction with the Dao. What has always been understood in all cultures under mystical pretense is now the purview of a unification between physics and biology. One that – if appreciated with an appropriate sense of wonder and an openContinue reading “The Healing Power of Spirituality”
