Xing, Ming, and Turning the Light Around

Let’s start with a little literary history. This part may be exceedingly boring to some of you – but for those interested in reading these texts yourself, take note. For those interested strictly in the metaphysics, keep listening. There are currently three English translations of what is known as The Secret of the Golden FlowerContinue reading “Xing, Ming, and Turning the Light Around”

Zen and the Art of Biophysics

If you’ve ever wondered what the fine-structure fabric of space-time looks like, take a walk on the beach. (Next time you can.) At some critical point in the evolution of scientific understanding – metaphor ceases to be metaphor. Dr. Mae Wan Ho refers to the work of her fellow scientist and teacher Emilio Del GiudiceContinue reading “Zen and the Art of Biophysics”
