Intentional Healing as Music: Auto-Tuning a Symphonic Field

What models do we think with when we approach the subject of intention? What’s the grammar and the syntax of this kind of work? Does it even matter? In this post, you’re going to presented with some food for thought – in the form of an intentional, musical theory of reality. I’m not necessarily positingContinue reading “Intentional Healing as Music: Auto-Tuning a Symphonic Field”

Fractal-Holographic Principles in the Secret of the Golden Flower

This article is a continuation of my attempt at syncretism in light of the Daoist mysticism and meditative techniques espoused in the Secret of the Golden Flower and other texts. This project seeks to compare Chinese cosmological and ontological concepts with those found in contemporary fringe science topics – most interestingly the fractal-holographic and fluidContinue reading “Fractal-Holographic Principles in the Secret of the Golden Flower”
