Multivitamins: Natural vs. Unnatural

For most people, buying a multivitamin is a one-size-fits-all way to cover your bases. It’s sort of a nutritional insurance policy. But are they really all they’re cracked up to be? I don’t think so. In my experience, the ingredients in the majority of multivitamins add a toxic load to the body and don’t doContinue reading “Multivitamins: Natural vs. Unnatural”

Get Grounded, Get Tan

One thing that my clients often hear from me is that I want their “bare feet on the ground and bare body in the sun.” This article explains some simple reasons why. I have come to find that many of us are Sun and Earth deficient. We simply don’t spend enough time in the SunContinue reading “Get Grounded, Get Tan”

Cholesterol to the Rescue

Cholesterol gets a bad rap. Many people don’t realize how incredibly important cholesterol actually is. What if I told you: cholesterol is here to heal you? In order to get a handle on how important it is, let us reverse engineer our understanding of cholesterol by first looking at the side effects of suppressing cholesterolContinue reading “Cholesterol to the Rescue”
