Three Treasures – Jing, Qi, & Shen

In Oriental Medicine (OM), the body is composed of three major parts – jing, qi, and shen. These are referred to as the Three Treasures (sanbao). Jing is most often translated as essence or vitality. Jing is your genetic integrity and the ability of your cells to replicate. It is described as the blueprint yourContinue reading “Three Treasures – Jing, Qi, & Shen”

On The Nature of Qi and Source Qi

“Qi is to electromagnetism as steam is to water.” – Eileen McKusick, Founder of Biofield Tuning Eileen McKusick states that what we call “subtle energy” in the West, is “really a form of diffuse magnetism” or “a diffuse magnetic fluid”. (I would add to that – superfluid.) How fitting, the ancient pictograph for qi,… …whichContinue reading “On The Nature of Qi and Source Qi”
