Jing: The Substance of Vitality

Jing – it’s what you’re made of. CAUTION: Includes explicit topics related to reproductive health. In Chinese physiology, there is a substance that each of us possesses called jing – it’s often translated into English as “essence” or “vitality”. Jing is said to be stored in the kidneys and is believed to decline with age. InContinue reading “Jing: The Substance of Vitality”

Xing, Ming, and Turning the Light Around

Let’s start with a little literary history. This part may be exceedingly boring to some of you – but for those interested in reading these texts yourself, take note. For those interested strictly in the metaphysics, keep listening. There are currently three English translations of what is known as The Secret of the Golden FlowerContinue reading “Xing, Ming, and Turning the Light Around”
