The Healing Power of Spirituality

In my last article, I laid the foundation for some concepts regarding our actual, physical interaction with the Dao. What has always been understood in all cultures under mystical pretense is now the purview of a unification between physics and biology. One that – if appreciated with an appropriate sense of wonder and an open heart – affirms for us the limitless spiritual power that is built into the reality in which we live. A power in which we play an important part.

Who would you rather be: a person stuck on an island with or without the power of prayer? Some might say, “prayer is delusion and I’d rather die without false hope.” My contention is that those people simply have yet to feel the power of prayer.

For those of us that have – where does this power come from?  The obvious and easy answer is God. It’s one that need suffice for us, ultimately. But while we’ve got time and the brains to do it, let us explore some ideas.

This article is not intended as an explanation of the power of God – rather it is a brisk walk through theology, metaphysics, and a study of consciousness. For our purposes, recognizing the influence of a higher power in one’s life is spirituality. Prayer is the act of making an appeal to that power. In this respect, energywork can easily be regarded as a form of prayer. The highest form of energywork is that in which the practitioner sees him or herself as a “hollow tube”. “It’s not you”, we often tell ourselves; it is the Source Qi (yuan qi) of the universe. The act of performing energywork is not the release of stored energy like a battery (i.e., capacitance) – it is simply allowing the right energy to flow (i.e., conductance).

At the quantum level, the glue that holds matter together is the coherence between the waves that governs its behavior. As our understanding of this phenomenon deepens, we realize that the effects of coherence are not just obscure occurrences in vacuum chambers with entangled particles – coherence is everywhere, all the time. In fact, quantum biology tells us that extremely high-level coherence is what keeps organisms together both at the cellular level and the level of the whole organism.

All cell membranes exist because the waves which stand on their surface are musical – literally; in phase.” – Dan Winter, Physicist

Quantum biology also tells us that the formation of life is a natural product of the interaction of water and light with the quantum information coherence network of the Planck scale of space. Light and water are literally extracting energy and information from the vacuum in a way that negates entropy and gives rise to organisms that feed, grow, and reproduce. The miracle of life is nothing short of a miracle, even when given a physical explanation.*

This coherence can happen between structures at different levels of scale. This encompasses interactions between the organization of mind and matter itself. In fact, the unimaginably complex interplay of information and energy at the Etheric (quantum vacuum) level of space can be interpreted as a universal form of proto-consciousness. One that is everywhere, all the time, and is constantly exchanging information-energy with all matter and especially matter organized into life.

I’m certainly not making the claim here that God can be somehow reduced to the total information-state of the quantum vacuum – but I am saying they are related. What’s being presented here is a theology in which God is both immanent and transcendent, both ineffable and interactive. How fortunate are we to have a spirituality that is so dynamic and yes so robust and full of life?!

Being alive means that you are in some way an animated expression of this intelligence. You have a bio-scale supercomputer of quantum coherence following you around (your mind), in which you can direct your attention and cognitive processing power. Take into consideration the role of feedback in this process. If biogenesis, a mystery that has tormented evolutionary biologists as long as their fields has existed, results from feedback between the quantum electrodynamic interaction of water and light with the information of the quantum foam, then what are the possibilities of the quantum electrodynamic relationship between one’s mind and one’s conception of a higher power.

Spontaneous and miraculous healing occurs everyday, all over the planet. Could it be that through the power of our spirituality we are tapping into the high-level coherence of the Ether and thereby bringing our own bodies into resonance with that highly ordered field?

“Coherence is health.”

*It’s a bit more complicated than that. More on this to come.

Conner Kees
Source For Well-Being – Black Mountain, NC
Making the Medicine Blog
